A container made of steel which has a coefficient of linear expansion 11 106 C1 has a volume of 510 gallons. The average coefficient of volume expansion for carbon tetrachloride is 581 104 C 1. The change in volume due to thermal expansion is D V vV D T where v is the coefficient of volume expansion and v 3a.
The flask is made of a material that has a coefficient of linear expansion of a.
The liquid is free to expand into a capillary of cross-sectional area A at the top. The volume expansion can be measured directly by means of what is known as a volume dilatometer or indirectly for isotropic materials by measuring the linear thermal expansion and then calculating the volume expansion using special software. What is the coefficient of volume expansion of the container. If a 500-gal steel container is filled completely with carbon tetrachloride when the temperature is 100C how much will spill over when the temperature rises to 300C.