Check if time is greater than or less than a specific time with formulas. Period cycle duration periodic time time T to frequency f and frequency f to cycle duration or period T T 1 f and f 1 T hertz to milliseconds and frequency to angular frequency The only kind of periods meant by people who use this phrase are periods of time so its a redundancy. The annual rate is calculated to be 505 using the formula i2 000416471 122-1.
But the solving frequency by formula please hlep me.
Using the RATE formula in Excel the rate per period r for a Canadian mortgage compounded semi-annually of 100000 with a monthly payment of 58445 amortized over 25 years is 041647 calculated using rRATE 2512-58445100000. Period 1 Frequency. P The Greek letter Pi which is almost 314. Time Period T 2 p Lg Or T M 0 L 1 T 0 M 0 L 1 T -2 -1 T 2 M 0 L 0 T 1.