How to insert curly brackets in equation but to indicate what a member of that equation stands for. Not also that the emboldened A is not an emboldened text-mode A which would be coded as this textbfA and written by LATEX as this. S s i t s i si s i E sinon.
Just put your LaTeX math inside.
To do not close ou do not open one of it we use the dot attribute. 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 3 2. A alpha k kappa ps psi z digamma Delta TH Theta v beta l lambda r rho e varepsilon G Gamma Y Upsilon ch chi µ mu s sigma k varkappa L Lambda KS Xi d delta n nu t tau ϕ varphi O Omega epsilon o o th theta varpi F Phi ℵ aleph i eta o omega u upsilon varrho P Pi i beth g gamma f phi ks xi s varsigma PS Psi k daleth i iota p pi z zeta ϑ vartheta S Sigma ג gimel. Not also that the emboldened A is not an emboldened text-mode A which would be coded as this textbfA and written by LATEX as this.