See Markdown by John Gruber and GitHub Markdown Help for more information. Because jupyter-book is built on top of Sphinx there are many ways to reference content within your book or even across other books or Sphinx websitesThis page has several examples of what you can reference and how to accomplish it. After switching to Markdown mode we will edit the cell to write equations.
Or enter in display math mode by writing between.
Writing Your First Equation in Jupyter Notebook Now you will be writing equation of a linear model. Inline Typesetting Mixing Markdown and TeXn n While display equations look good for a page of samples the ability to mix math and formatted text in a paragraph is also importantn n Sourcen n This expression sqrt3x-11x2 is an example of a TeX inline equation in a Markdown. Markdown is a simple text-to-HTML markup language written in plain text. 2020158038 recurrent make a blank ipynb file paste the following code as markdown into the first cell beginaligned fracpartialpartialomega_jComega frac1msum_i1mva.