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how to solve equations without parentheses. We have the equation negative 9 minus this whole expression 9x minus 6-- this whole thing is being subtracted from negative 9-- is equal to 3 times this whole expression 4x plus 6. Try the entered exercise or type in your own exercise.
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Now a good place to start is to just get rid of these parentheses. A multi-step equation is an equatio. We now extend this idea to multiply a monomial by a polynomial.
Placing 2x directly in front of the parentheses means to multiply the expression in the parentheses by 2x.
1 3 4 2 2. The Distributive Property of Multiplication. The convention is to do your multiplication first. You ALWAYS need to follow the correct order of operations otherwise one expression could have several answers depending how it was doneThis is obviously neither correct nor sensible.