However it is NOT ALLOWED to have a logarithm of a negative number or a logarithm of zero 0 when substituted or evaluated into the original logarithm equation. Solvetheproblemby subtracting64fromeachtogetit equaltozero andthenfactoringor usingthequadratic formulatofindthevaluesofx x16 Checktheanswersonlyoneanswerisacceptablebecause theotheranswerproducesanegativenumberwhenitis pluggedbackin. Find the logarithm of 1024 to the base 2.
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Logarithm base change rule. In other words x needs to be raised to the power z to produce y. The logarithm of any positive number to the same base of that number is always 1. The 2 most common bases that we use are base 10 and base e which we meet in Logs to base 10 and Natural Logs base e in later sections.