The value of 367896 appears in cell E7. When you will be doing some complex data analysis you might be needed to analyze more than one conditions at a time. To use multiple IF function where we can add multiple logical tests after the first logical condition and TRUE value again insert another IF Function followed by the different logical values to be compared with TRUE value result.
You can count and sum based on one criteria or multiple criteria.
Heres how the formula looks using the AND function instead of two nested IF functions. In the Add-Ins dialog box select the Browse button to find your add-in click Open then check the box beside your Add-In in the Add-Ins Available box. Enter the formula in a cell. In excel data there are situations where we need to use more than one or two conditions to find out a specific data meager using If function or if function with a logical function may not be helpful so we can use multiple If statements in excel inside a single If statement in nested if statement if the condition is met then the result Is.