1 metersecond is equal to 00864 megametresday or 33366416468926E-9 speed of light air. For example for visible light the refractive index of glass is typically around 15 meaning that light in glass travels at c 15 200 000 kms 124 000 mis. V lead c n lead 299792458 x 10 8 ms 26 12 x 10 8 ms 26 x 10 8 miles per hour Even slowed by lead light travels at a speed of 260 million miles per hour.
Over 300 years researchers have made measurements of c and refined it to the point that now the SI unit of distance the meter is based on it.
D v x t where v is the velocity average speed t is the time and d is distance so you can read it as Distance Speed x Time. When the wave impinges upon a particle of matter the energy is absorbed and sets electrons within the atoms into vibrational motion. C f where. Using the definition of n we can find the speed of light through lead.