For example the month-over-month calculation MOM compares the current selection with the same selection one month before. Drag Profit to the Text card. Calculating monthly and yearly changes Now that Ive got monthly subtotals I can calculate the month-over-month and year-over-year changes by using dplyrs lag function.
Previous month CALCULATESUMGA EcommerceSalesPREVIOUSMONTHGA EcommerceDate or Previous Month CALCULATESUMGA EcommerceSalesDATEADDGA EcommerceDate-1MONTH.
MOM increase 200 100100 100. If SALES_MILEAGE_CLASS 5 SALES_PRICE Constant - SALES_MILEAGE MC5 AgeAssumption - SALES_SALE_AGE marketagecoef marketmsrpass - SALES_MSRP MSRPcoef NULL As you can see I have quite a few conditions that allow me to control for volatility in the underlying data. Before you break out the bubbly check it against the income from the. Thus the following formula is used for determining the month-on-month growth.